Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday Weigh in #4

Still working out everyday!  Eating... not so good. I am doing a harder firm video now and think I need to up the weight on some exercises.  I am now running a little over 4 miles in 40 minutes.  When I say a little over 4 I mean 4.1.  It's still more than 4 though!  I do a warm up and cool down too, which is about 15-20 minutes total.  It's a little harder working out with the boys now since my routine is getting a little longer as I get more in shape.  I'm determined to fit it in though.  I wish I would get more motivated to eat really healthy.  I know I could be losing weight faster if I would eat better.  I'm hoping part of the reason I haven't been losing as much is because I'm gaining muscle.  We leave on Saturday for Oregon!  I can't wait to see my family!  I just wish Aaron could go with us the whole time.  We will be gone 2 weeks so I will wait to weigh in the Wednesday after we get home.  I am not too worried since my Mommy cooks a lot of healthy food and has a lot of healthy food around the house.  If I can just limit how many Christmas treats I eat.  I have 3 weeks until my next weigh in that I post so my goal is a 3.8 pound loss.

Weigh in #1  136.4
Weigh in #2  131.4
Weigh in #3  131.0
Weigh in #4  130.8   I just need to be happy I'm progressing, especially this time of year!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday Weigh In

I was super nervous getting on the scale this morning.  I was afraid Thanksgiving did me in.  I have been working out every day still.  I started my workout about 4 times today, only to have the kids needing my attention or to hear the phone ring every time.  Guess I just have to wait for Aaron to get home.  I got some extra working out in though so I guess that's good.  I was dreading getting on the treadmill so much yesterday.  All my runs in Manson were incredibly hard for me.  I was pleasantly surprised when I had one of those days where I felt like I could run forever.  My knees didn't even hurt!!  I'm glad I listened to Dr. England when he said it would be okay to push through the pain as long as it didn't get worse and I iced and took IB.  I have managed to do the icing most days.   Hoping I have worked passed it. 

Weigh in #1  136.4
Weigh in #2  131.4
Weigh in #3  131.0
If I would have stuck to eating right I think I would be under 130 by now.  Oh well, at least I didn't gain.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!  Went to Manson and ate lots and lots and lots of yummy food and enjoyed being with family :) Can't wait to be living close to family again!  Not too excited to get on the scale Wednesday.  I managed to work out every day though.  We will see what the damage was in a couple days.  Back to eating healthy!  Working out has made me feel so much better!  I haven't had a tension headache for a while.  I have been trying to do the stretches Aaron said would help me.  They have done a lot and also strengthening my back has really helped a lot!  Even if I have taken a few steps back with losing weight I still feel great results from working out.  I also noticed I am more positive, especially when I'm eating well also. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weekly Wednesday Weigh In

I am finally getting to the point where I don't want sweets or junk food all the time.  I'm finding other ways of diverting my attention away from food.  I am now on day 8 of no junk food!  The worst thing I have eaten is whole wheat banana bread with Agave Nectar and Honey instead of regular sugar and a small bag of regular Sun Chips.  I didn't even eat half the loaf in one sitting!  That's an improvement for me. Instead of weighing in today, Wednesday, I weighed in yesterday morning.  I want to weigh in on the same scale and thought it would be silly taking it to Manson.  So, I am super happy with my results!  It makes it a lot easier to stay motivated when I feel like I'm making progress.  I am so glad I have a husband who is so supportive and encouraging helping me reach my goals, who will put up with trial healthy gross dinners and snacks.  If anyone has yummy healthy recipes and snacks, please send them my way!!

Weigh in #1 (11/17/10)  136.4 lbs
Weigh in #2 (11/23/10) 131.4 lbs

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thank You Hunny :)

Day 5 of no junk food!  I can't wait for Thanksgiving!!  I was really craving something dessertish today, so I made some black bean brownies.  TOTALLY DISGUSTING!!!!  They won't be a temptation for me and I think Ryker will have to eat the whole pan since he seems to be the only one who is a fan of them.  Oh well, next to try are whole wheat cookies.  Yesterday Aaron took me to this AWESOME store to get new running shoes.  I have had my other ones since before I was pregnant with Ryker and wore them all the time for the support so it was about time. No way I could wait until Christmas. My knees have been a little sore so I'm hoping they help.  They had me stand on this mat thing that showed on a screen where I have the most pressure on my feet and also shows my arches.  Then they found the best shoe for me and made me personalized orthotics!  The prices of the running shoes were very comparable to other stores, maybe even less which I thought was nice but by the time I added on the orthotics that was another sixty.  Totally worth it though!  I took my first run with them late last night after the boys went to bed.  They are so comfy! Thank you for the SWEET Christmas present Honey!  I really really appreciate them!  And just so Aaron is sure, I don't want or expect anymore presents from him for Christmas.   

Thursday, November 18, 2010

15 by February

Here is a picture of what it looks like every time I work out.  In this pic. I'm stretching but usually it's when I am doing ab or arm work.  I'm not going to let this thwart my progress though, in fact I think my ab exercises have been more beneficial with Ryker perched on my tummy :) I haven't done a great job updating my progress on my healthy living plan but I am finally in the habit of exercising every day.  The first week Aaron and I started out slow, running 2 miles every other day.  Last week we upped it a little, still running every other day but on the off days I do The Firm aerobic toning workout and Aaron goes to the gym across the parking lot from work at lunch time to lift weights.  It's going great and we are now up to 3 miles! :) Our goal is to run the Apple Blossom 10K and then the Seattle half, with the Saul Memorial run in there but I can't remember the date.  I love the time running with Aaron when the boys are in the stroller and we get to be together although, running would happen more often outside if we had a rain cover for the jogging stroller.  The sheet just doesn't quite do the job.  Last night for Young Womens we did Zumba!  It was so so much fun and I came home in the best mood!  Now I want the videos though :) I haven't been doing amazing with eating healthy except yesterday I HAD NO JUNK FOOD!!  That's a big deal for me :) So I'm hoping to keep this habit up with the exception of Thanksgiving.  I am weighing in every Wednesday.  Yesterday was weigh in number one.  I know I will stay accountable if I actually put my weight.   Yikes! I'm hoping to drop 1-2 lbs per week, since I'm still nursing I don't want to do it too fast.  My goal is 15 by Feb 23rd.  I'm super excited to go shopping tomorrow or Saturday and get some yummy healthy food in the house!  I'm hoping to come up with a yummy healthy recipe to post pretty soon.

Weigh in #1 ( 11/17/10)  136.4 lbs
Goal for next week 135.4 lbs

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My name is DeAndra England and I am a Sugarholic!

So, this post is to warn anyone who may follow that you do not have to read this blog anymore.  It's about to get really boring!  So, I don't want to hear anyone complain how boring it is.  I have a serious addiction to sugar.  I don't think it's very funny, it actually scares me a little to know it has gotten this out of control I have decided that I will track my progress in breaking this addiction.  About a month ago I started a competition called Feel Great in 8. I got about 3 days into the competition and completely tanked!  It was a great plan except for a few things I will change.  I felt so great those 3 days I was making sure I ate enough servings of fruit and vegis, exercising, drinking plenty of water, eating whole grains, lean prot., eating very very few sugary treats, reading scriptures, etc.  So here I go again, this time to succeed!  I will report my point totals, exercise, and what I ate that I shouldn't have.  I will also report my weekly weight loss.  I'm also going to really focus on making healthy eating yummy and fun! :) I will post pictures of meals and healthy recipes.  I feel like I owe it to myself but especially my boys to have energy and be a happy, healthy mommy and wife :) Oh yeah, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and one other day of my choice are free days :)  Wish me luck!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Loves and Cuddles

Well, this was a very happy moment during my day.  We were all happy at the same time and even clean and dressed.  I just had to capture it :) Today I was thinking a lot about how much I appreciate Aaron working so hard to support us so I can stay home with our boys. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Happy Day :)

Okay... Still can't figure out what I want to put on this blog. Aaron's proud of me for finally making one :) Maybe I will post healthy recipes(that taste good). Maybe I will post stuff about massage. Maybe I will post stories about my 2 adorable little boys but there is already a hilarious blog ALL about them and so I think this will be mine. Here is a little about my day. Aaron got up with Rock this morning and got things cleaned up for my massage. He is such a helpful husband and I'm so thankful he is so supportive of me being me. I gave a massage today. It's amazing that I can get such a high after giving a massage. I love what I do and sometimes wish I could go back to school and remember all I learned. I guess that's what Cont. Education is for. Speaking of CE. I need quite a few hours before March 17th. What I really want to do is specialize in prenatal, postpartum, and infant massage. Teaching infant massage classes would be awesome! It's expensive to do the 200 hour training course to become certified as a Maternity and Infant Massage Specialist  but man I'd love to do it! The other thing that made me really happy today is Aaron getting off work the time he is supposed to. It's amazing the difference 30 minutes makes. 2 days in a row! We actually got to eat dinner together which was really nice. It was a really great day! This was pretty much a journal entry. It will get more exciting I promise :)!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I love my life!

So, I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing with this blog yet.  I know I want to focus on what makes me happy and what I think will make other people happy too :)